
Aims of courses

  • To support scientists in their career planning process and to allow participants interchanging and improving personal networking
  • To make participants aware of possible alternatives to academic careers
  • To support them in decision reframing, in creativity processes, in getting over past conflicts, help them reflecting their own situation
  • To support them in applying for new jobs (how to improve application documents, preparation for interviews)
Labor von Prof. Dr. Gerald Schwank. D-BIOL, Stem Cell Biology & Disease Modeling


Fees for a one day:

  • Doctoral Student: CHF 60.-
  • Postdoc: CHF 100.-

Fees for a two days:

  • Doctoral Student: CHF 120.-
  • Postdoc: CHF 180.-

Individual Coaching Session

Participants who have attended a course have the possiblity to follow an individual coaching session of 1 hour with either the trainer of the workshop or any other FLP Trainers/Coachs.

The cost for this session is CHF 50.-


All courses will take place between 9-17h if not specified otherwise.

Snacks and refreshments are included in the offer, lunch will be sponsored when the minimal number of 8 participants is exceeded.


Registration will open approximately 6 weeks before the starting date of each course. 

The number of participants can vary between 8 to 16

Courses will take place only if the minimum number of participants is reached

Cancellation Policy

Full refunds will be made before the registration deadline (2 weeks before the start of the course). After this date no reimbursement will be done, unless you provide a substitute.

Fees can apply for last minute cancellations, which can be invoiced to the participant.

Commitments and duties

Participants are expected to attend all meetings with the coach

Nir Zalts

Dates: Wed, May 7 & Thurs, May 8
From: 09:30 to 17:30
Location: ETHZ
Dates: Wed, June 6
From: 09:00 to 12:00
Location: ONLINE
Price: CHF 150

Dr. Lille Springall

Dates: Wed & Thurs, June 25 & 26
From: 09:00 to 17:00
Location: EPFL
Price: CHF 150

Susanne Matuschek

Dates: Tues, October 7
From: 10:00 to 14:00
Location: ONLINE
Price: CHF 80

Dr. Sarah Shephard

Dates: Wed, October 22 & Wed, October 29
From: 09:00 to 17:00
Location: ETHZ
Price: CHF 150

What participants say
"These courses offer us the chance to improve our skills and know how to react with any conditions around us in the field."
"I got to meet a lot of very interesting people and also learnt a lot about my strengths and weaknesses."
"Among women only: Ease to share, Similarity of experiences, Similarity of social roles"
"Very helpful to make me feel more confident, determined and at peace with my current situation and find my scientific career."